Question 37 :

How many objects will be eligible for garbage collection after the execution of line 9 in the following code?
Choose one answer.

a. 8 
b. 14 
c. 15 
d. 16
Question 38 :

What will be the result of compiling the following programs and executing it using the following command - java Child?
Choose one answer.

a. Prints 9 
b. Compiler error at line 5 
c. Compiler error at line 6 
d. None of the above

Question 39 : 

Which of the following is the most appropriate code snippet that can be inserted at line 3? 
Choose one option

a. assert ((0 < frequency) && (frequency <=60));
b. assert ((0 < frequency) && (frequency <=60)) : "Frequency out of range"; 
c. if(frequency <= 0 || frequency > 60) 
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frequency out of range"); 
d. if(frequency <= 0 || frequency > 60) 
throw new Exception("Frequency out of range"); 
e. None of these
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